Death March to the Parallel World Rhapsody Wiki


Light Novel Volume 24 with Special Edition (Drama CD) will release on February 10, 2022!

• Official English Light Novel Volume 16 will release on February 22, 2022!


Death March to the Parallel World Rhapsody Wiki

Death March to the Parallel World Rhapsody (デスマーチからはじまる異世界狂想曲, Desu Māchi Kara Hajimaru Isekai Kyōsōkyoku) is the Web Novel written by Hiro Ainana that originated the Death March franchise. It is published on the user-generated content site Shōsetsuka ni Narō (syosetu), which is well known for being the source of many popular series that were later given light novel, manga and anime adaptations.

The web novel began publication on March 3rd, 2013, and is still being updated as of July 2020; though the main story was concluded on March 8th, 2020 with Volume 17, Chapter 54.

It was later adapted into a light novel, which in turn led to two manga adaptations and a one-cour anime.

The web novel's official publication page can be found here. Originally releasing new chapters daily, it transitioned to a more random release schedule beginning with Volume 10, Chapter 37.

*Note: we will gladly add links to any translated versions if there's anyone/any group out there willing to do so & is able to get permission from the author to translate.

See also: Light Novel
See also: Manga
See also: Anime
See also: Music

Chapter List[]

Volume 1[]

Volume 1
1 Cataclysm Begin Through Death March デスマーチから始まる天変地異 [2013/03/03]
2 Written Dream Read as Ephemeral 人の見る夢と書いて儚いと読む [2013/03/03]
3 The Start of Wandering Life! 放浪生活はじめました! [2013/03/03]
4 Abandoned Village, Skill and Lost Child 廃村とスキルと迷子 [2013/03/03]
5 Fortress City Life Begin! 城砦都市生活はじめました! [2013/03/04]
6 The Marketplace, the Princess and the Slave Trade 市場と王女と人買いと [2013/03/05]
7 Open Air Bath, Objective and Sightseeing 行水と方針と観光と [2013/03/06]
8 The Demon, the Knight and the Magician 悪魔と騎士と魔法使い [2013/03/07]
9 Let's Dance with the Demon! [First Part] 悪魔と踊ろう![前編] [2013/03/08]
10 Let's Dance With the Demon! [Final Part] 悪魔と踊ろう![後編] [2013/03/08]

Volume 2[]

Volume 2
1 Disaster Relief and the Shrine Maiden 災害救助と巫女さん [2013/03/10]
2 Let's Learn Life Magic! 生活魔法を覚えよう! [2013/03/10]
3 The Chant, the Soldier and the Noisy Afternoon 詠唱と兵士さんと姦しい午後 [2013/03/10]
4 The Afternoon Date with Soldier-san 兵士さんとデートな午後 [2013/03/11]
5 The Temple, the Beastkin Girls and the Stone Throwing Afternoon 神殿と獣人娘と投石の午後 [2013/03/12]
6 Arguments and the Extermination of the Hidden Evildoer Afternoon 論戦とドブネズミ退治の午後 [2013/03/13]
7 Demon Return 悪魔再び [2013/03/14]
8 The Labyrinth of Demon (1) 悪魔の迷宮(1) [2013/03/15]
9 Labyrinth of Demon (2) 悪魔の迷宮(2) [2013/03/16]
10 Labyrinth of Demon (3) 悪魔の迷宮(3) [2013/03/17]
11 Labyrinth of Demon (4) 悪魔の迷宮(4) [2013/03/18]
12 Labyrinth of Demon (5) 悪魔の迷宮(5) [2013/03/19]

Volume 3[]

Volume 3
1 To Daily Life 日常へ [2013/03/20]
2 Master of the Beastkin Girls 獣娘達のご主人さま [2013/03/21]
3 At the Slave Market 奴隷市場にて [2013/03/22]
4 Little Girl and Night Turmoil 幼女と夜の騒動 [2013/03/23]
5 The Japanese in Different World 異世界の日本人 [2013/03/24]
6 Hero and the Taboo Girl 勇者と忌み色の娘 [2013/03/25]
7 Past, Failure and Withered Labyrinth 過去と失敗と枯れた迷宮 [2013/03/26]
8 Masked Hero 仮面の勇者 [2013/03/27]
  i   Intermission: Zena 幕間:ゼナ [2013/03/29]

Volume 4[]

Volume 4
1 Misunderstanding is a Spice for Love Comedy 誤解はラブコメのスパイス [2013/03/30]
2 Little Girls Shopping 幼女たちの買い物 [2013/03/31]
3 Miscellaneous Matters and Flags 雑事とフラグ [2013/04/01]
4 Flea Market 蚤の市 [2013/04/02]
5 Flea Market (2) 蚤の市(2) [2013/04/03]
6 Carriage and Coachman 馬車と御者 [2013/04/04]
7 Satou's Secret サトゥーのヒミツ [2013/04/05]
8 Demon Lord Season 魔王の季節 [2013/04/06]
9 Things That Could be Done Alone 一人でできる事 [2013/04/07]
10 The Night Before Departure 出立前夜 [2013/04/08]
11 Departure (1) 出立(1) [2013/04/09]
12 Departure (2) 出立(2) [2013/04/10]
i1 Intermission-1: A Certain Master and His Vassal's Conversation 幕間1:ある主従の会話 [2013/04/11]
i2 Intermission-2: Friends of Yuni 幕間2:ユニの友達 [2013/04/12]

Volume 5[]

Volume 5
1 Journey (1) 旅路(1) [2013/04/13]
2 Journey (2) 旅路(2) [2013/04/14]
3 Black Mist 黒い靄 [2013/04/15]
4 Flying Ants (1) 大羽蟻(1) [2013/04/16]
5 Flying Ants (2) 大羽蟻(2) [2013/04/17]
6 The Rat Princess 鼠のお姫さま [2013/04/18]
7 Mistake and Clean-up 失敗と清掃 [2013/04/19]
8 Shadow Stalker 這いよる影 [2013/04/20]
9 Shadow and Magician 影と魔術士 [2013/04/21]
10 Maze of Trazayuya トラザユーヤの迷路 [2013/04/22]
11 Maze of Trazayuya (2) トラザユーヤの迷路(2) [2013/04/23]
12 Maze of Trazayuya (3) トラザユーヤの迷路(3) [2013/04/24]
13 Maze of Trazayuya (4) トラザユーヤの迷路(4) [2013/04/25]
14 Joining 合流 [2013/04/26]
15 Joining (2) 合流(2) [2013/04/27]
i1 Intermission-1: At Territorial Army 幕間1:領軍にて [2013/04/28]
i2 Intermission-2: Labyrinth and Fairy 幕間2:迷宮と妖精 [2013/04/29]
i3 Intermission-3: Tama 幕間3:タマ [2013/04/30]
i4 Intermission-4: The Work of Manager-san 幕間4:店長さんのお仕事 [2013/05/01]
i5 Intermission-5: Young Merchant and Orphanage Children 幕間5:青年商人と孤児院の子供達 [2013/05/02]
i6 Intermission-6: Arisa's Master 幕間6:アリサのご主人さま [2013/05/03]

Volume 6[]

Volume 6
1 I Want to Practice Magic [Failure Arc] 魔法が使いたい[失敗編] [2013/05/04]
2 Let's Train 修行しよう [2013/05/05]
3 Strengthening 強化しよう [2013/05/06]
4 The First Thieves [Revised] はじめての盗賊[改定版] [2013/05/07]
5 Clean-up and Rumor 後始末と噂話 [2013/05/08]
6 Tavern and Rumors 酒場と噂話 [2013/05/09]
7 I want to Practice Magic [Cheat Arc] 魔法が使いたい[チート編] [2013/05/10]
8 Fashion Show ファッションショー [2013/05/11]
9 People of Baron Muno Territory (1) ムーノ男爵領の人々(1) [2013/05/12]
10 Magic Circuit and Rose Engraving 魔導回路と薔薇の彫刻 [2013/05/13]
11 People of Baron Muno Territory (2) ムーノ男爵領の人々(2) [2013/05/14]
12 People of Baron Muno Territory (3) ムーノ男爵領の人々(3) [2013/05/15]
13 People of Baron Muno Territory (4) ムーノ男爵領の人々(4) [2013/05/16]
14 People of Baron Muno Territory (5) ムーノ男爵領の人々(5) [2013/05/17]
15 People of Baron Muno Territory (6) ムーノ男爵領の人々(6) [2013/05/18]
16 People of Baron Muno Territory (7) ムーノ男爵領の人々(7) [2013/05/19]
17 People of Baron Muno Territory (8) ムーノ男爵領の人々(8) [2013/05/20]
18 People of Baron Muno Territory (9) ムーノ男爵領の人々(9) [2013/05/21]
19 Golden Holy Sword and Magic Tools 黄金の聖剣と魔法道具 [2013/05/22]
20 People of Baron Muno Territory (10) ムーノ男爵領の人々(10) [2013/05/23]
21 People of Baron Muno Territory (11) ムーノ男爵領の人々(11) [2013/05/24]
22 Battle of Muno City (1) ムーノ市の戦い(1) [2013/05/25]
23 Young Lady and Knight Thief 令嬢と盗賊騎士 [2013/05/26]
24 Battle of Muno City (2) ムーノ市の戦い(2) [2013/05/27]
25 Battle of Muno City (3) ムーノ市の戦い(3) [2013/05/28]
26 Battle of Muno City (4) ムーノ市の戦い(4) [2013/05/29]
27 Battle of Muno City (5) ムーノ市の戦い(5) [2013/05/30]
28 The Girls' Battles 娘さんたちの戦い [2013/05/31]
29 The Girls' Battles (2) 娘さんたちの戦い(2) [2013/06/01]
30 The Girls' Battles (3) .娘さんたちの戦い(3) [2013/06/02]
31 The Girls' Battles (4) 娘さんたちの戦い(4) [2013/06/03]
32 Mortal Combat with the Demon?! 魔族との死闘?! [2013/06/04]
33 End of Turmoil 騒動の終わり [2013/06/05]
34 End of Turmoil (2) 騒動の終わり(2) [2013/06/06]
i1 Intermission-1: Lulu 幕間1:ルル [2013/06/07]
i2 Intermission-2: Muno's Past 幕間2:ムーノ領の過去 [2013/06/08]
i3 Intermission-3: Muno Castle's Servant 幕間3:ムーノ城の使用人 [2013/06/09]
i4 Intermission-4: Dream of Summer Day 幕間4:夏の日の夢 [2013/06/10]
i5 Intermission-5: Satou's House Name 幕間5:サトゥーの家名 [2013/06/11]
i6 Intermission-6: Lord's Secret 幕間6:領主の秘密 [2014/12/23]

Volume 7[]

Volume 7
1 To the Hometown of the Dwarves ドワーフの里へ [2013/06/12]
2 At the Hometown of the Dwarves (1) ドワーフの里にて(1) [2013/06/13]
3 At the Hometown of the Dwarves (2) ドワーフの里にて(2) [2013/06/14]
4 At the Hometown of the Dwarves (3) ドワーフの里にて(3) [2013/06/15]
5 At the Hometown of the Dwarves (4) ドワーフの里にて(4) [2013/06/16]
6 At the Hometown of the Dwarves (5) ドワーフの里にて(5) [2013/06/17]
7 Scrolls and Cheat 巻物とチート [2013/06/18]
8 Wolves and Stalker Reserves オオカミとストーカー予備軍 [2013/06/19]
9 Karina and the Maid Squad カリナとメイド隊 [2013/06/20]
10 At the Canal's Bank 運河の畔で [2013/06/21]
11 At the Canal's Bank (2) 運河の畔で(2) [2013/06/22]
12 Gururian City Disturbance グルリアン市の騒動 [2013/06/23]
13 Gururian City Disturbance (2) .グルリアン市の騒動(2) [2013/06/24]
14 Gururian City Disturbance (3) グルリアン市の騒動(3) [2013/06/25]
15 Various Japanese People 色々な日本人 [2013/06/26]
16 Gururian City Night グルリアン市の夜 [2013/06/27]
17 Ship Travel 船の旅 [2013/06/28]
18 Ship Travel (2) 船の旅(2) [2013/06/29]
19 A Night No One Knows 誰も知らない夜 [2013/06/30]
20 A Night No One Knows (2) 誰も知らない夜(2) [2013/07/01]
21 A Night No One Knows (3) 誰も知らない夜(3) [2013/07/02]
22 A Night No One Knows (4) 誰も知らない夜(4) [2013/07/03]
23 A Night No One Knows (5) 誰も知らない夜(5) [2013/07/04]
i1 Intermission-1: The Melancholy of Zajuul 幕間1:ザジウルの憂鬱 [2013/07/05]
i2 Intermission-2: Zena's Squad Disaster 幕間2:ゼナ隊の災難 [2013/07/06]
i3 Intermission-3: Pochi's Secret 幕間3:ポチの秘密 [2013/07/07]
i4 Intermission-4: Pochi and Picture Book 幕間4:ポチと絵本 [2013/07/07]
i5 Intermission-5: The Agony of a Transported Person 幕間5:転移者の受難 [2013/07/08]

Volume 8[]

Volume 8
1 At the Capital of the Duchy 公都にて [2013/07/09]
2 Visitor from the Sky 空からの訪問者 [2013/07/10]
3 Downtown Disturbance 下町の騒動 [2013/07/11]
4 Downtown Disturbance (2) 下町の騒動(2) [2013/07/12]
5 Workshops and Museum Visits 工房見学と博物館 [2013/07/13]
6 Workshops and Museum Visits (2) 工房見学と博物館(2) [2013/07/14]
7 Nighttime Training 夜間訓練 [2013/07/15]
8 At Tolma's Residence トルマ邸にて [2013/07/16]
9 At Tolma's Residence (2) トルマ邸にて(2) [2013/07/17]
10 To the Duke's Castle 公爵城へ [2013/07/18]
11 To the Duke's Castle (2) 公爵城へ(2) [2013/07/19]
12 Tea Party Days お茶会の日々 [2013/07/20]
13 The Viscount and the Scroll Workshop 子爵と巻物工房 [2013/07/21]
14 The Night before the Final 決勝前夜 [2013/07/22]
15 The Day of the Final 決勝当日 [2013/07/23]
16 The Day of the Final (2) 決勝当日(2) [2013/07/23]
17 The Day of the Final (3) 決勝当日(3) [2013/07/24]
18 The Day of the Final (4) 決勝当日(4) [2013/07/25]
19 The Battle in the Arena 闘技場での戦い [2013/07/26]
20 The Battle in the Arena (2) 闘技場での戦い(2) [2013/07/27]
21 The Battle in the Arena (3) 闘技場での戦い(3) [2013/07/28]
22 The Hero and Satou 勇者とサトゥー[改定版] [2013/07/29]
23 The Hero and Satou (2) 勇者とサトゥー(2)[改定版] [2013/07/30]
24 The Hero and Satou (3) 勇者とサトゥー(3)[改定版] [2013/07/31]
25 Parting at Duchy Capital Night 公都の夜に別れを [2013/08/01]
26 Parting at Duchy Capital Night (2) 公都の夜に別れを(2)[改定版] [2013/08/02]
i Intermission 1: Dance and Tea Party ダンスとお茶会 [2013/08/03]
i Intermission 2: Orc Alchemist オークの錬金術士 [2013/08/04]
i Intermission 3: Tenion Head Miko [First Part] テニオンの巫女長【前編】 [2013/08/05]
i Intermission 4: Tenion Head Miko [Latter Part] テニオンの巫女長【後編】 [2013/08/06]
ss Side Story 1: Arisa and The Devil Box アリサと悪魔の箱 [2013/11/10]
i Intermission 5: Mia and the Dietary Restriction ミーアと食事制限 [2013/08/06]
i Intermission 6: Hime Miko 姫巫女 [2013/08/07]
i Intermission 7: Sera セーラ [2013/08/07]
ss Side Story 2: Orion and Rumor オリオンと噂 [2013/11/10]
ss Side Story 3: Pochi and Scary Thing ポチの怖いモノ [2013/11/10]
ss Side Story 4: Christmas クリスマス [2013/12/25]
i Intermission 8: Night of the Party パーティーの夜 [2013/12/25]

Volume 9[]

Volume 9
1 To the Town of Magic Hunters 魔狩人の街へ [2013/08/08]
2 At the Town of Magic Hunters 魔狩人の街にて [2013/08/09]
3 At the Town of Magic Hunters (2) 魔狩人の街にて(2) [2013/08/10]
4 At the Town of Magic Hunters (3) 魔狩人の街にて(3) [2013/08/11]
5 At the Town of Magic Hunters (4) 魔狩人の街にて(4) [2013/08/12]
6 At the Town of Magic Hunters (5) 魔狩人の街にて(5) [2013/08/13]
7 Highway of Weeds 雑草の街道 [2013/08/14]
8 Air Travel 空の旅 [2013/08/15]
9 Fisherman's Profit 漁夫の利 [2013/08/16]
10 Mountain Range Encounter 山脈の出会い [2013/08/17]
11 Mountain Range Encounter (2) 山脈の出会い(2) [2013/08/18]
12 Bornean Forest ボルエナンの森 [2013/08/19]
13 Bornean Forest (2) ボルエナンの森(2) [2013/08/20]
14 Mia's Secret ミーアの秘密 [2013/08/21]
15 Secret of Boruenan ボルエナンの秘密 [2013/08/22]
16 High Elf ハイエルフ [2013/08/23]
17 Daily Life of the Elves エルフたちの日常 [2013/08/24]
18 Ishibutai Training 石舞台の修行 [2013/08/25]
19 Ishibutai Training (2) 石舞台の修行(2) [2013/08/26]
20 The Spriggan's Training Site スプリガンの修練所 [2013/08/27]
21 Pests Extermination 害虫退治 [2013/08/28]
22 Pests Extermination (2) 害虫退治(2) [2013/08/29]
23 Pests Extermination (3) 害虫退治(3) [2013/08/30]
24 The Search at the Duchy Capital 公都での探索 [2013/08/31]
25 The Search at the Duchy Capital (2) 公都での探索(2) [2013/09/01]
26 Nostalgic Place 懐かしい場所 [2013/09/02]
27 Pests Extermination (4) 害虫退治(4) [2013/09/03]
28 Curry Festival カレー祭り [2013/09/04]
29 The Extermination Preparation 駆除準備 [2013/09/05]
30 Pests Extermination Operation 害虫駆除作戦 [2013/09/06]
31 Pests Extermination Operation (2) 害虫駆除作戦(2) [2013/09/07]
32 Victory Celebration Party 祝勝パーティー [2013/09/08]
33 Parting with Boruenan Forest ボルエナンの森に別れを [2013/09/09]
i Intermission 1: The Misfortune of Puta Town [First Part] 幕間:プタの街の災難[前編] [2013/09/10]
i Intermission 2: The Misfortune of Puta Town [Latter Part] 幕間:プタの街の災難[後編] [2013/09/11]
ss Side Story 1: Muno City Anecdote SS:ムーノ市小話 [2013/11/10]
i Intermission 3: At Baron Muno Territory 幕間:ムーノ男爵領にて [2013/09/12]
ss Side Story 2: The Baron's Treasure SS:男爵の宝物 [2013/11/10]
i Intermission 4: Sera's Misfortune 幕間:セーラの不運 [2013/09/13]
ss Side Story 3: Lulu's Pests Extermination SS:ルルの害虫退治 [2013/11/10]
ss Side Story 4: Doctor Pochi SS:ポチのお医者さん [2013/11/10]
ss Side Story 5: Fishing SS:釣り [2013/11/10]

Volume 10[]

Volume 10
1 Sea Travel
2 The Two Earldoms
3 To the Labyrinth City
4 Explorer Guild
5 To the Labyrinth
6 Passage of Death
7 Labyrinth Exploration
8 Labyrinth Exploration (2)
9 Labyrinth Exploration (3)
10 Labyrinth Exploration (4)
11 The Value of Safe Return
12 Courtesy Calls
13 Courtesy Calls (2)
14 Mansion of Ivy
15 Red Iron Plate
16 Guild Disturbance
17 Temporary Residence
18 Temporary Residence (2)
19 Manager of the Mansion
20 New Hunting Ground
21 New Hunting Ground (2)
22 New Hunting Ground (3) [Revised]
23 Residences of the Mansion
24 Explorers
25 Explorers (2)
26 Dinner and Personal Connections
27 Dinner and Personal Connections (2)
28 Princess and Plunderers
29 Plunderer Extermination
30 Plunderer Extermination (2)
31 Demonic Potion
32 Demonic Potion (2)
33 Demonic Potion (3)
34 Demonic Potion (4)
35 Selection Test
35-2 Banquet and the Truth of Beria [Revised Version]
36 The Man in Black Clothes
37 The Man in Black Clothes (2)
38 The Man in Black Clothes (3)
39 Training
40 Training (2)
41 Magic Metals
42 Mithril Plate
43 Mithril Plate (2)
44 The Face under the Mask
45 Mithril Plate (3)
46 Mithril Plate (4)
47 Mithril Plate (5)
48 Dog-Head Demon Lord
49 Dog-Head Demon Lord (2)
50 Floor Master
51 Floor Master (2)
i Intermission 1: Mochi Pounding
i Intermission 2: Pochi and Tama's Part Time Job
ss Side Story 1: First Carbonated Water
ss Side Story 2: Fortunate Children
ss Side Story 3: Daily Life of Explorers [Ant Wing Silver Sword]
ss Side Story 4: Tama's Stroll
i Intermission 3: The Adventure of Ninja Tama
ss Side Story 5: Lulu's Kitchen Knife
ss Side Story 6: Hamburg Steak Fraud
ss Side Story 7: Letters to Yuni
ss Side Story 8: Liza's Buying and Eating
ss Side Story 9: The Trick to Enjoy Food Carts
ss Side Story 10: Very Popular
i Intermission 4: Golden Knight and the Caged Birds
i Intermission 5: The Journey of Zena Squad
i Intermission 6: The Journey of Zena Squad (2)
i Intermission 7: The Journey of Zena Squad (3)
ss 【Side Story 11】: Hot Sand Extra Hard Training
ss 【Side Story 12】: Hot Sand Extra Hard Training (2) Flying Boots Arc
ss Side Story 13: The Melancholy of Lelillil

Volume 11[]

Volume 11
1 Victory Celebration Party 祝勝会 [2014/01/17]
2 Reunion (1) 再会(1) [2014/01/19]
3 Reunion (2) 再会(2) [2014/01/26]
4 Reunion (3) 再会(3) [2014/02/02]
5 Karina's Weapons カリナの武器 [2014/02/09]
6 Omen 予兆 [2014/02/16]
7 The Whereabouts of Zena ゼナの行方 [2014/02/23]
8 The Whereabouts of Zena (2) ゼナの行方(2) [2014/03/02]
9 Vampires (1) 吸血鬼(1) [2014/03/09]
10 Vampires (2) 吸血鬼(2) [2014/03/12]
11 Vampires (3) 吸血鬼(3) [2014/03/16]
12 Date (1) デート(1) [2014/03/17]
13 Date (2) デート(2) [2014/03/18]
14 Power-leveling パワーレベリング [2014/03/19]
15 Revisit 再来訪 [2014/03/20]
16 War of the Underground Empire 地下帝国の戦争 [2014/03/23]
17 Desperate Struggle in the Subterranean Volcano?! 地底火山の死闘?! [2014/03/30]
18 Oni [2014/04/06]
19 Oni (2) 鬼(2) [2014/04/13]
20 The Pleasant Fellowship of the Underground Labyrinth 地下迷宮の愉快な仲間達 [2014/04/20]
21 To the Royal Capital (1) 王都へ(1) [2014/04/27]
22 To the Royal Capital (2) 王都へ(2) [2014/05/04]
23 To the Royal Capital (3) 王都へ(3) [2014/05/05]
ss Side Story 1: Practice Scene SS:練習風景 [2014/05/06]
ss Side Story 2: Blue Mantle SS:青いマント [2014/05/06]
ss Side Story 3: Loot SS:戦利品 [2014/05/10]
i1 Intermission-1: Top Meat Skewers and Pendragon 幕間:上肉串とペンドラゴン [2014/05/10]
ss Side Story 4: Pochi's Pupils SS:ポチの生徒達 [2014/05/11]
i2 Intermission-2: The Tale of Sir Pendragon 幕間:ペンドラゴン卿の物語 [2014/05/11]
ss Side Story 5: The Person Aze's Waiting for SS:アーゼの待ち人 [2014/05/17]
ss Side Story 6: The Decision of Sir Trell SS:トレル卿の決断 [2014/12/14]
ss Side Story 7: Mia's Music Hall SS:ミーアの音楽教室 [2014/12/14]
ss Side Story 8: Liza's Service? SS:リザのご奉仕? [2014/12/14]
ss Side Story 9: Arisa-Sensei's Magic Classroom SS:アリサ先生の魔法教室 [2014/12/14]

Volume 12[]

Volume 12
1 Journey to the Royal Capital 王都への旅路 [2014/05/18]
2 Journey to the Royal Capital (2) 王都への旅路(2) [2014/05/25]
3 Journey to the Royal Capital (3) 王都への旅路(3) [2014/06/01]
4 Journey to the Royal Capital (4) 王都への旅路(4) [2014/06/08]
5 Reception 出迎え [2014/06/15]
6 Liza's Strength リザの実力 [2014/06/22]
7 Challengers 挑戦者達 [2014/06/29]
8 Under the Sakura Tree 桜の木の下で [2014/07/06]
9 Under the Sakura Tree (2) 桜の木の下で(2) [2014/07/13]
10 Complicating Negotiation 紛糾する折衝 [2014/07/20]
11 Royal Capital's Mansion 王都の屋敷 [2014/07/27]
12 Royal Capital's Mansion (2) 王都の屋敷(2) [2014/08/03]
13 Inventor Boy 少年発明家 [2014/08/10]
14 The King and Nanashi 王とナナシ [2014/08/17]
15 Carelessness of the Royal Research Institute 王立研究所の不始末 [2014/08/24]
16 Invitation to Breakfast Gathering 朝食会のお誘い [2014/08/31]
17 Someone who Squirms Behind the Incident 事件の背後で蠢く者 [2014/09/07]
18 Tea Party's Intruder お茶会の闖入者 [2014/09/14]
19 The Gathering of Shiga Eight Swords シガ八剣の集い [2014/09/21]
20 A Long Royal Capital Night 王都の長い夜 [2014/09/28]
21 A Long Royal Capital Night (2) 王都の長い夜(2) [2014/10/05]
22 Royal Capital Chaos 混乱の王都 [2014/10/12]
23 The Royal Capital's Magic Circle 王都の魔法陣 [2014/10/19]
24 Sakura-colored Greater Demon 桜色の上級魔族 [2014/10/26]
25 Sakura-colored Greater Demon (2) 桜色の上級魔族(2) [2014/11/02]
26 The Holy Grail under the Royal Capital 王都地下の聖杯 [2014/11/09]
27 The Whereabouts of the Prophecy 預言の行方 [2014/11/16]
28 God カミ [2014/11/20]
29 The Black Left Arm 黒い左腕 [2014/11/23]
30 The Dance Party at the Royal Castle 王城の舞踏会 [2014/11/30]
i Intermission 1: New Year Dish 幕間:正月料理 [2014/12/07]
ss Side Story 1: Dance Practice SS:ダンス練習 [2014/12/14]
ss Side Story 2: Arisa and Intrigue SS:アリサと悪巧み [2014/12/14]
ss Side Story 3: Lulu and Ingredients Shopping SS:ルルと食材買出し [2015/01/12]
ss Side Story 4: Tama and Bad People Suppression SS:タマと悪者退治 [2015/01/12]
i Intermission 2: New Year Greeting 幕間:新年の挨拶 [2015/01/12]
i Intermission 3: In the Shadow of the Royal Capital 幕間:王都の陰で [2014/12/14]

Volume 13[]

Volume 13
1 Ascending Peerage
2 New Year Works
3 Royal Academy
4 New Year Special Training
5 At The Royal Castle
6 Royal Academy (2)
7 Scattering Bait
8 Princess of the Forbidden Library
9 Fujisan Mountains Shrine
10 Arrest
11 Local Hero
12 Luncheon with Earl Seiryuu
13 Evening Party at the Royal Capital
14 Evening Party at the Royal Capital (2)
15 Royal Capital Sightseeing, Downtown Arc
16 Royal Capital Sightseeing, Downtown Arc (2)
17 Royal Capital Sightseeing, Downtown Arc (3)
18 Satou and Kuro
19 Nanashi and Arisa
20 Nanashi and Arisa (2)
21 The Princess's Tea Party
22 The Princess's Tea Party (2)
23 Outcome of the Tea Party
24 Secret of the Red Rope
25 Secret of the Red Rope (2)
26 The Third Auction Day
27 The Third Auction Day (2)
28 Orb
29 Behind the Orbs (1)
30 Behind the Orbs (2)
31 Demon Lord Shin
32 Demon Lord Shin (2)
33 Demon Lord Shin (3)
34 The King's Request
35 Escort
36 Inauguration
37 Inauguration (2)
38 Inauguration (3)
i Intermission 1: Want to Practice Magic [Orb Arc]
i Intermission 2: John Smith
ss Side Story 1: Liza the Magic Spear
ss Side Story 2: Satou's Inspection
ss Side Story 3: The Phantom Underground Empire
ss Side Story 4: Excursion
ss Side Story 5: Southern Island
ss Side Story 6: Tifaleeza

Volume 14[]

Volume 14
1 Sightseeing Base
2 At the Labyrinth City
3 At the Labyrinth City (2)
4 Yowok Kingdom
5 Yowok Kingdom (2)
6 Holy State Parion [Revised]
7 Holy State Parion (2)
8 Holy State Parion (3) [Revised]
9 Racial Difference
10 Rumor about the Apostle
11 The Territory of Marquis Ganika
ss Side Story :The Territory of Marquis Ganika, Later
12 Territory of Duke Oyugock
13 Territory of Duke Oyugock (2)
14 Bolhart (1)
15 Bolhart (2)
16 Muno Earldom
17 Muno Earldom (2)
18 Muno Earldom (3)
19 Muno Earldom (4)
20 Snow Kingdom (1)
21 Side Story : Snow Kingdom (2)
22 Snow Kingdom (3)
23 Snow Kingdom (4)
24 Snow Kingdom (5)
25 Snow Kingdom (6)
26 Snow Kingdom (7)
27 Journey Across the Eastern Countries
28 Water Peach Kingdom (1)
29 Water Peach Kingdom (2)
30 Water Peach Kingdom (3)
31 Water Peach Kingdom (4)
32 Water Peach Kingdom (5)
33 Research and an Act in Daily Life
34 Wyvern Kingdom (1) Road to the Dragon Shrine
35 Wyvern Kingdom (2) Meeting at the Dragon Shrine
36 Wyvern Kingdom (3) Shippu the Lesser Dragon
37 Wyvern Kingdom (4) Lesser Dragon Bouryu VS Liza
38 Wyvern Kingdom (5) At the Black Dragon Mountains
39 Wyvern Kingdom (6) Silga Castle
40 Wyvern Kingdom (7) Turmoil at the Checking Station
41 Wyvern Kingdom (8) The Fake Apostle
42 Wyvern Kingdom (9) Cleaning-up
43 War Kingdom (1) Scientific Weapons
44 War Kingdom (2) Dragon Riders
45 War Kingdom (3) The Weasel's Aim
46 War Kingdom (4) Interrogation
47 Follow-up Processing
i Intermission 1: Ancient Dragon Continent and Primeval Magic
ss Side Story 1: People of the Ancient Dragon Continent
i Intermission 2: Immigrants of Governor Pendragon
i Intermission 3: Satou's Research (1)
i Intermission 4: Satou's Research (2)

Volume 15[]

Volume 15
1 To the Weasel Empire
2 Parish
3 An Ordinary Village
4 An Ordinary Town
5 An Ordinary Town (2)
6 Temple Knights
7 Dejima Island
8 Dejima Island (2)
9 Phantasmal Labyrinth
10 Phantasmal Labyrinth (2)
11 Phantasmal Labyrinth (3)
12 Hero in the Labyrinth
i Intermission : Hero's Break
13 Hero in the Labyrinth (2)
14 Hero VS Demon Lord
15 Hero VS Demon Lord (2)
16 Hero VS Demon Lord (3)
17 Celebration
ss Side Story : The Melancholy of Dungeon Core
18 Intermission
19 Weasel Empire, at the Imperial Capital
20 The Empire's Subjects
21 Brains
22 Audience
23 The Forbidden Science
24 Trazayuya
25 Dungeon's Function
26 God's Breath
27 Divine Punishment
28 Divine Punishment (2), the Power of Science
29 Divine Punishment (3), Satou's Identity
30 Divine Punishment (4) Basis
31 The Golden Knights' Deployment, Preparation (1)
32 The Golden Knights' Deployment, Preparation (2)
33 The Golden Knights' Deployment (1)
34 Golden Knights' Deployment (2), Seiryuu City's Boy Knight
35 Golden Knights' Deployment (3), Little Hero
36 Divine Punishment (5), The Forbidden Knights
37 Divine Punishment (6), Hero Meiko
38 Divine Punishment (7), Hero Vs Demon Lord
39 Divine Punishment (8), Dog Hero Pochi
40 Divine Punishment (9), Reinforcements
41 Divine Punishment (10), End
42 Mastermind
43 New World (1)
44 New World (2)
i Intermission 1: Hayato Masaki
i Intermission 2: At the Eastern End of the Continent (1)
i Intermission 3: At the Eastern End of the Continent (2)
i Intermission 4: At Muno Earldom
i Intermission 5: At Muno Earldom (2)
i Intermission 6: A Peaceful Day [Arisa]
i Intermission 7: The Journey of John Smith
i Intermission 8: Rumor of Demon Lord Slayer
i Intermission 9: Divine Punishment Day, Front Line
i Intermission 10: Ruin Exploration

Volume 16[]

Volume 16
1 Effect of Slaying Demon Lord
2 The Royal Castle's Salon
3 Imperial Princess Marriage
4 Inspections
5 Various Conclusions
6 Holy Shell Mobile Armor
7 Holy Shell Mobile Armor (2)
8 Ringrande's Homecoming
9 Sera's Resolution
10 Behind the Ceremony
11 Behind the Ceremony (2)
12 A Conversation with God Tenion
13 End of the Assailants
14 End of the Assailants (2)
15 New Journey
16 To the Country of Sun
i Intermission 1: Royal Capital Then
17 To the Country of Sun (2)
18 To the Country of Sun (3)
19 Heraluon Temple
20 Sania Kingdom
21 Sania Kingdom (2)
22 Sania Kingdom (3)
23 Land King's Subjugation Fight
24 Sania Kingdom (4)
25 Garleon Union
26 Garleon Union (2)
27 Garleon Union (3)
28 Garleon Union (4)
29 Garleon Union (5)
30 Garleon Union (6)
31 Garleon Union (7)
32 Garleon Union (8)
33 Garleon Union (9)
34 Garleon Union (10)
35 Earl Seiryuu's Foster Daugther (1)
36 Earl Seiryuu's Foster Daugther (2)
37 [Judicial Nation] Sheriffald
38 [Judicial Nation] Sheriffald (2)
39 [Judicial Nation] Sheriffald (3)
40 [Judicial Nation] Sheriffald (4)
41 [Judicial Nation] Sheriffald (5)
42 [Judicial Nation] Sheriffald (6)
43 The Four Heroes (1)
44 The Four Heroes (2)
45 Pier Rock Kingdom, Oblation Contest (1)
46 Trial of Zaikuon (1)
47 Trial of Zaikuon (2)
48 Trial of Zaikuon (3)
49 Trial of Zaikuon (4)
50 Vampires
51 Guardian Dragon
52 Sage's Tower
53 Sage's Tower (2)
54 Sage's Tower (3)
55 Sage's Tower (4)
56 Sage's Tower (5)
57 Sage's Tower (6)
58 Intermission 2: Behind the Incidents
59 Sage's Tower (7)
60 Sage's Tower (8)
61 Sage's Tower (9)
62 Parion Holy Land, Once Again
63 Parion Holy Land, Once Again (2)
64 Parion Holy Land, Once Again (3)
65 Parion Holy Land, Once Again (4)
66 To Saga Empire
67 To Saga Empire (2)
68 Saga Empire, Battle at the Imperial Capital (1)
69 Saga Empire, Battle at the Imperial Capital (2)
70 Saga Empire, Battle at the Imperial Capital (3)
71 Saga Empire, Satou's Battle
72 Intermission : The House-Sitting Team and Small Accidents in the World
73 Intermission : The House-sitting Team and Small Accidents in the World (2)
74 Saga Empire, Battle at the Imperial Capital (4)
75 Saga Empire, Battle at the Imperial Capital (5)
76 Saga Empire, Battle at the Imperial Capital (6)
77 Saga Empire, Battle at the Imperial Capital (7)
78 Repatriation
79 Saga Empire, Satou's Battle (2)
80 God Keys

Volume 17[]

Volume 17
1 Ceremony
2 Garden Party (1)
3 Garden Party (2)
4 Purple Mound
5 To Realm of Gods
i Intermission 1: The Melancholy of Liza
6 To Realm of Gods (2)
7 Reason Behind the Taboo
8 Growing Purple Mounds
9 Purple Tower (1)
10 Purple Tower (2)
11 Realm of Gods Revisited
12 Changing World
13 Changing World (2)
14 Changing World (3)
15 At the Changing World
16 Pink-colored Calamities
17 Pink-colored Calamities (2)
18 Pink-colored Calamities (3) Failure Arc
19 Pink-colored Calamities (4) Decoy Arc
20 Demon God
21 Imaginary Fears
22 Imaginary Fears (2)
23 Imaginary Fears (3)
24 Indictment
25 Demon God (2)
26 Real Identity of Demon God
27 Authorities on Loan
28 Authorities Demonstration
29 Purple Hell
30 Intermission (2)
31 World Crisis
32 World Crisis (2)
33 World Crisis (3)
34 Offenses and Defenses at Purple Towers
35 Offenses and Defenses at Purple Towers (2)
36 Offenses and Defenses at Purple Towers (3)
37 Nether Gate
38 Nether Gate, Blockade
39 Dungeon Highways and Lunar Corridor (1)
40 Dungeon Highways and Lunar Corridor (2)
41 Netherworld Invasion
42 Netherworld Invasion (2)
43 Netherworld Invasion (3)
44 Netherworld Invasion (4)
45 Demon God's Castle
46 Satou Dies
47 Satou VS Demon God
48 Reinforcements
49 Innocent God
50 Innocent God (2)
51 Guardians of the World (1)
52 Guardians of the World (2)
53 Peaceful World, and --
54 Epilogue