This is the fourth volume of Death March to the Parallel World Rhapsody manga.
Official Synopsis[]
Having saved the mysterious elf girl and her protector, Satou faces his next challenge: ascending the Cradle, a training facility for elves packed with monsters and powerful guardians! Satou fights his way up, his sights set on the 200th floor-where a fearsome foe awaits...
- Chapter 19: The Elf Princess
- Chapter 20: A Carriage, a Driver, and a Picnic
- Chapter 21: The Visitor in the Storm
- Chapter 22: Cradle of Trazayuya
- Chapter 23: The Guardian Knight's Area
- Chapter 24: The Throne Room
- Chapter 24.5: Bonus
Chapter 19[]
Nadi is surprised to see that Mia is another elf though it was precisely because of that Satou brought her to Yusaratoya in the first place, as well as the two of them sharing the same last name "Bolenan". Mia opens her eyes and immediately notices Satou, saying 'beautiful' before falling asleep again, much to his confusion. Satou asks about Red Helmet and Yusaratoya calls him a lifesaver and therefore does not want to turn him over to the guards, which Nadi translates to Satou for. He also says that Mia isn't actually a princess. Nevertheless Satou tells him that he needs to treat him or he will die, so Nadi decides to seek out a former priest called Horn who she says treats people with certain circumstances and asks Yusaratoya to secure his respiratory tract until she gets back. Satou also tells him to hide his helmet and joins Nadi in her search.
The next morning, Satou returns to his party where Arisa yells at him for going to a brothel rather than letting her service him, causing him to throw his jacket at her, which she starts sniffing much to his annoyance. However, she ends up throwing it away after smelling monsters on it and asks if he is into hairy ones, which annoys him even further. Satou explains to Arisa how he saved a human beast that was under attack from some monsters when he went out to get medicine for Lulu. Arisa asks if it was a woman and he says it was an old man, though it causes her to think it was boy love, but he demands her to stop fantasizing and get dressed.
Lulu wakes up who tells Satou she feels a lot better since last night. He gives her medicine to take and advises her to take one before and after each meal. He then tells Arisa that he asked about the Labyrinth and that she can't go in, which bums her. She asks if he plans on staying in the city but he says that after they finish sight-seeing they will head south, his reason being that he wants to find a method to return to his previous world as well as things for the beast girls to live a good life. Another reason is that he wants to see the large river in the Capital at night. Arisa tells Satou that after the Capital she wants to go to the Labyrinth City, and he promises to take her there. He tells her to wake everyone up for breakfast, who he also plans to discuss his plan with.
After breakfast, Satou goes to the All-Round Shop and asks Nadi how Mia and the Red Helmet are doing, who responds that they are still sleeping. Furthermore, Horn was only able to stop Red Helmet's bleeding, meaning his insides need to be treated a little at a time. Nadi says that if they had intermediate potions they could heal him, but it is expensive, and Satou gave all of his potions he found in the Labyrinth away. Nadi reveals that Yusaratoya actually made a deal with an acquaintance of his that if he gathers the ingredients he will compound the medicine for a small price, so he can leave the matter to him. Satou asks about Mia and Nadi says that she isn't hurt anywhere, she is just suffering from fatigue, which Yusaratoya believes is due to prolonged exhaustion of magic power. Normally Yusaratoya's magic should heal her, but because she is a child in elf years, it will take a while. Nadi suggests using a mana potion but they are just as expensive, or bringing her to a place that is a source of mana, though the only place she can think of is inside the Earl's castle or Dragon Valley.
Satou ends up using his 'Enhanced Listening' skill and deduces that Mia has awoken. The two go upstairs where Satou waits outside the room while Nadi introduces herself as the assistant of Yusaratoya, who Mia calls "Yuya". She asks about Satou and Nadi explains that he save her and the Red Helmet Rat Man, who Mia calls "Mize". Mia gives Satou permission to come into her room and he introduces himself to her while also noticing her silver eyes. She asks if he is a Spirit User but he says he hasn't met any, only for Nadi to reveal that those with 'Spirit Vision' can see Spirits, which Mia has but apparently Yuya does not.
Nadi goes downstairs to prepare some food for Mia while Satou kept her company talking about Spirits, though he wasn't able to process everything due to Mia's short wording. The best he acquired was that Spirits can use ground veins as an intermediary, but he did also acquire the 'Elvish' and 'Code Perception' skills. Nadi returns and Mia eats the food she prepared quite quickly, where afterwards Satou decides to leave. Mia, however, holds onto him and asks him to stay. He decides to do so at least until she falls asleep.
Chapter 20[]
After Mia falls asleep, Satou returns to the inn where he sees Liza, Pochi, Tama, Arisa, and Yuni playing a game with the cards he bought in order to learn the vocabulary, and Arisa is winning. Pochi and Tama notice Satou and run up to him to show him how much they have learned from the cards, which he is very proud of. However, when Pochi and Tama call their cards "meat" when they were actually animals, he looks at Arisa, who admits she couldn't bring herself to correct them because they were so confident they got it right. Satou decides to correct them and tells the two of them that they can't call everything meat, they need to call it by the actual name, but they say that the animal is still meat. Liza enthusiastically asks if her card represents not "chicken meat" but just "chicken", he becomes a little annoyed why she put them together if she clearly knows the difference. The children ask him how to spell "meat" and he writes it on a card, acquiring the 'Education', 'Painting', 'Transcription', and 'Playing' skills.
He turns to Arisa and admits he is surprised she doesn't know Shiga Kingdom's language, which she reveals is because she was told she didn't need it in her kingdom and she couldn't find anyone who would teach her, so she would sneak into her brother's language classes to teach herself to read her spell books, and boasts she will learn the cards in three days, which impresses Yuni. Martha ends up finding them as Yuni was supposed to be working but she reveals she finished her work with Pochi and Tama's help, earning their master's praise while Yuni is scolded for not reporting immediately.
Later, Satou brings Arisa, Pochi, and Tama to the All-Round Shop to meet Mia, who reacts shyly by covering herself in her blanket. She does ultimately introduce herself as Satou notices her eyes were no longer silver, implying they only turn silver when she uses 'Spirit Vision'. The three end up befriending her and he decides to go downstairs while leaving Mia in their care, though Mia tries to get him to stay, causing him to wonder why she is so attached to him. After going downstairs, Liza and Lulu treat Nadi to a snack as she asks Satou if he has coach. He answers that he doesn't but he had horses that ran off during the star fall (the story he made up to explain himself). Nadi offers that Satou buy a coach, revealing that Yuya's acquaintance retired from merchant business and put up a coach for sale with two pulling horses as a set. This offer ends up relieving him since he planned on finding somewhere for the beast girls to live. The only problem was that he has no idea how to be a coachman
Lulu tries to say something but hesitates, so Satou convinces her to speak up. Lulu reveals that she knows how to ride a one-horse coach, causing Satou to immediately tell Nadi to arrange the purchase, at least until Nadi reminds him to think of the price. Nevertheless, he decides to trust Nadi's judgement within budget along with a share of the deal, which she finds herself accepting. He realizes how hasty he was and decides to reflect.
Before that, Arisa suggests they all go camping as practice and head for a vacant spot of land in the Western District. He tasks Liza, Arisa, and Lulu with shopping while he, Pochi, and Tama work on setting up the campsite, with Satou gaining a lot of camping-based skills in the process. After the shopping group returns, Satou tasks Pochi and Tama with watching the stew and water kettle, but they get scared by the kettle's whistling sound and think it was angry at them. Satou calms them down explaining it was just telling them that the water is ready, but when they ask how it works Satou tries to come up with an answer, though Arisa takes over reminding him that they are still children and won't understand a complicated explanation. She ends up giving them a beginner's understanding of the process and compares it to wind being blown, which the two understand. Satou decides when he learns water magic he will learn a vaporization variation if possible.
After dinner ends, the girls go out shopping for dessert while Pochi and Tama help clean up. Satou suddenly picks something up on his radar and sees it is the group of animal children he helped, and they came offering fruit as thanks. Pochi and Tama notice the other children and assume they came to bully their master, so Satou clarifies that they came to give him their gratitude. While he is, indeed, grateful, he worries that they are giving him all of their provisions, so to compensate, he gives them a supply of dried meat, claiming it is too much for his group to eat. The children accept and leave.
Following the end of the camping session, Satou returns to the All-Round Shop and fills out the paperwork for the coach. Arisa then offers they take Mia back to her home, which is southeast of the Duchy Capital. Seeing that Mia herself wants to go back, Satou agrees, with also desiring to see the Elf Village himself. He does want to ask Yuya about it, but because of how late he is, it may take a while. Satou decides, until Yuya returns, he will train with Lulu in coaching. Unfortunately Lulu's reservations makes it tough for them to communicate, so Satou suggests to be more open like her sister and she can be more carefree. Whe Lulu says she can't, Satou tries getting her to stretch to alleviate the stress. Despite wanting to talk with her though, he understands she has trouble dealing with men due to being mistreated by her male cousins and neighbors due to her 'homely' appearance. Deciding to just let her speak herself, he convinces her to start talking about Arisa, which actually causes her to open up.
Satou sees that Lulu thinks very highly of Arisa, even though it can be hard to discern who is the oldest, but she admires how knowledgeable she is (depsite Satou knowing it is because Arisa was reincarnated). The two start the training process as Satou notices some thunder getting closer to their position, as well as Lulu building her confidence in talking to him. He then detects something looking his way and sees an owl that flies away. Lulu asks what was wrong but Satou brushes it off as nothing.
Chapter 21[]
Adaptation Notes[]
*Information will be added soon later.*